Meet the Team!
Comfort Zone is 100% peer-run.
Please feel free to reach out to one of our Peer Specialists if you are looking for peer support. Contact info is below! Call/text is a-okay.
Feeling a little shy? That's ok! You can also use our 'Contact Us' page. Send a general message and one of our peers will reach out to you!

Vivilynn Amity
Peer Support Specialist
(971) 716-7599 | vwebster@newnarrativepdx.org
Hiya, you can call me Viv or Vivi. I have been on the road to self-recovery and constantly working on becoming the best version of myself. I’m actively in therapy. Being neurodivergent and Queer, I’m an advocate for accessibility and inclusion in and out of the 2SLGBTQIA+ communities.
My lived experience: ADHD, C-PTSD, BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder), Major Depressive Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Eating Disorder, Speech Impediment (speech therapy from 2nd to 7th grade), Self-Harm (since I was 8, been in recovery since I was 24), Substance Abuse (weed), Divorce, Parenthood, Emotional Neglect, Very Queer (Lesbian, Transgender, Demisexual).
I am an elder emo witch, music is my safe space, and I make playlists depending on my moods. I have fun dabbling in witchcraft and tarot as tools of self-reflection. I am a mom of a wonderful 9-year-old and the cutest little cat named Ginji. I have always been described as easy to open up to; I enjoy being that space for someone to vent and feel comforted and validated in those moments.
Bloodworks 101 Podcast on Spotify
Certifications: HVN (Hearing Voices Network) Facilitator Certified, PSS (Peer Support Specialist), Alt2Suicide Facilitator Certified ​
Alex Shepherd
Outreach Peer Support Specialist
(503) 932-0578 | ashepherd@newnarrativepdx.org
Hello, my name is Alex and I’m thrilled to join the team at Comfort Zone to support our community.
I’ve been on a journey of self-defined recovery for years, actively sharing resources and coping skills with others facing mental health challenges since 2008. My lived experience includes navigating autism, ADHD, PTSD, borderline personality disorder, suicidality, self-harm, sexual abuse, misdiagnosis, alcohol addiction, and body dysmorphia as a transgender individual.
In my free time, I enjoy spending time in nature, creating music playlists that reflect my moods, and expressing myself through art. I also find joy in writing to process my thoughts and experiences. I share my home with my beloved pets: my dog Bodie and my two cats, Dennis and Westley.
I’m passionate about creating a safe and supportive space for others, and I look forward to contributing to our mission at Comfort Zone.

Dahlton Burke
Trainer | Lead Peer Support Specialist
(503) 802-0113 | dburke@newnarrativepdx.org
I am self-educated; my discovery and growth as a peer comes from a long road of self-care with many starts and stops along the way As a queer person who identifies as trans and non-binary, I am a passionate advocate for the Queer and BIPOC communities.
Driven by my own lived experiences which include Autism, C-PTSD, Houselessness, Severe Depression and Anxiety, Epilepsy (post brain surgery), as well as the impacts of childhood physical and sexual abuse. I've also navigated both outpatient and inpatient services for suicidal ideation.
In terms of professional development, I hold several certifications and have undergone extensive training. I am a Peer Wellness Specialist, and a certified facilitator for the Hearing Voices Network, Alt2Suicide, and the Mandt System, a crisis prevention and de-escalation program, as well as being one of New Narrative’s new hire orientation trainers.
Beyond my professional and advocacy work, I am an amateur artist with a deep interest in both tabletop and digital gaming. I've attended numerous conventions and have cosplayed a small handful of times. I value casual interactions that empower personal connections with the people I work with, though I can effortlessly transition to a more formal communication style when the situation needs. My cat’s names are Nicolas Cage and Danny DaVito.

Manzie Butler
Senior Program Manager, Peer Services
(503) 597-3992 | mbutler@newnarrativepdx.org
I am a person in long-term recovery from both substance use and mental wellness challenges. I moved from Oakland, CA to Portland where I have found my way to working as a Peer Specialist. I now view my hardships in life only work as assets.
I come with a mixed background - from working with underserved inner-city communities to being a Montessori Toddler Teacher! I just enjoy working with people :)
My lived experience: I identify as someone in recovery from both mental wellness and substance use challenges. I am a survivor of domestic violence, childhood abuse, neglect, and self-harm. I am a person with body dysmorphic disorder, eating disorders, major depressive disorder, anxiety, PTSD, and borderline personality disorder.
I find balance outside of work hours with my passion for photography as well as collaborating with her boyfriend to throw community events.
I support with many programs across New Narrative, with my primary mission being integrating peers within mental health settings.​